Friday, December 17, 2010

Reflective Blog Entry

I think that I have grown and changed as a person in this class. By that I mean, that I have almost come over my fear of public speaking. I used to be an extremely fast and quiet talker, now I am able to talk a lot slower, and have more confidence when I am speaking to the public, such as when we are presenting a topic to the class in a live presentation. Plus, because I have become comfortable with talking slower, I am able to have a better-paced narration for our digital products. I also think that I have changed in the way I use technology. I was never able to create anything better than a keynote with tiny pictures and bullet points, and now, I am able to have narration, large images with movement, and have them put together to create a movie-like presentation that could actually entertain someone.

The event that I have done this year so far that makes me proud is our Lincoln-Douglas debates. It makes me proud because I had practically written the script myself, had a great group, and I worked really hard on my public speaking skills, and it all paid off. Even though we lost by three audience votes, it felt like a victory because I accomplished everything I wanted to, and that is why it is what makes me most proud.

I think that the most challenging thing that I have done this year so far is improving my public speaking skills for my Lincoln-Douglas debate. I wanted to show everybody that I could be a good public speaker, so I had to work on each section as soon as I finished it, so I could be really prepared. Also, I hadn’t been able to practice in front of a big crowd, and everyone was going to be there when we presented our debate, so I had to slow down enough to the point where I felt like I was trying to explain something that was difficult to understand, even though it was words and information everyone knew. That is what made it a challenge. In the end though, I was able to do it.

My favorite products that I did were my visual re-creations for The Red Badge of Courage. They were my favorite because I had worked really hard on them, and I think I showed the metaphors really well. Also, I had wanted to prove myself with this project, so I think I had worked hard, and it showed when we presented them.

My hopes and expectations for second semester are that I will be able to make a great enough product that will make it on to the class website. I want to have a product on the class website because all of the better ones go on the site. I do not like to disappoint people, so if one of my products did make it up there, I would feel proud of myself, and feel like other people are proud of me as well. I am going to try my best to create a product like that for next semester.


  1. Lisa-
    I agree with all of your growth and change, I wouldn't have known you weren't a confident speaker based on your Lincoln-Douglas Debate because you rocked that. Also, I think that the re-creations of the Red Badge of Courage was a thoughtful project to end our first semester with. I believe that you have the skills to make a spectacular product that can make it on to the DLC Website, I know you are close or even there based on your Thematic Causes Project. Nice post I really felt like I learned more about you in DlC, which is awesome!

  2. your personality seems to have changed alot over the year. your Lincoln-Douglas Debate script was good and you presented it well. You defedently know alot about yourself.

  3. Lisa-
    I defiantly think that you have grown a lot in you confidence and speaking skills. Do you think that it is easier to speak in front of people you know or strangers? I think it is easier to speak in front of people I know because if I mess up i know they won't let that taint their opinion of me. I really agree with you when you say that your scenes for the RBOC were the best. I enjoyed watching them. THey were extremely creative. My scenes were also among my favorite projects that i have made. We are also similar in our goals for our projects to be on the DLC website. Although i didn't mention that in my Blog entry i am defiantly keeping my fingers crossed for that to happen. Do you think that you would make the same decisions in DLC if you had it to do all over again? Do you think that attending DLC has stretched you as a person? I think that DLC has really brought out the best in you by enhancing your confidence. :)

  4. I agree with what you said about you becoming a better public speaker for sure, based on how you did on the Lincoln-Douglas debates. You also said your favorite projects were the red badge of courage re-creations because you worked really hard on it, which is likely true because it seemed everyone did. Your hope for this semester is to make a product that ends up on the class website. What do you plan to do different from past projects that you hope will help you achieve this?

  5. Lisa,
    It was very nice. Truthful. I liked it. Very much. I see you put some real effort into it. In school you seem like a very shy person. I can see by this reflection that while you may be quite a lot is going on with you. There's a lot that goes on when your thinking. I can understand why you would have liked the recreation. I remember seeing it and it was a standout. It showed your work. It showed that you put effort in it. It took all of you. Your a great person with a great mentality. Good job Lisa. Great Job.

  6. @Ciara-
    Thank you for all of the nice comments you gave me. I really appreciate that you thought my Thematic Causes Project was that good. Thanks for all of your supportive comments, it is nice to hear that other people think you have great skills, and what you said really meant a lot to me.

  7. @Blair-
    I think that it is easier to speak to people you know, and agree that it is easier to speak in front of people I know because if you mess up, you know they won't "let that taint their opinion."

    Thank you for saying that my scenes were one of the best. That means so much to me. I appreciate that you thought they were creative.

    I think that if I had to do the DLC all over again, I would do things the same way, because I like where my decisions have gotten me. If I could have, I would have liked to have shown more advanced knowledge in technology, but, at that time, I didn't know that much.

    As for your question about attending DLC stretching me as a person, I do think that it has stretched my knowledge and challenged me as a person. It helped me become more confident. Plus, the DLC showed me different ways to enjoy learning as a person, and the many different ways to look at literature. So, overall, I do believe attending DLC as stretched me as a person in a very positive way.

    Thanks again for all of your nice comments!

  8. @Tsabo-
    My plan for achieving my goal to have one of my projects end up on the DLC website is to work on finding inspiration on topics I might not find that interesting and to work harder on putting myself into the project.

    Thank you for saying that I have come a better public speaker, it is nice to know that other people see that you have changed.

  9. @Sinai-
    Thank you for all of the kind things you mentioned in your comment. I apppreciate that you thought my recreations were standouts. It means a lot to know that someone else enjoyed your project.

  10. @Mason-
    Thank you for all of the nice things you put in your comment. I appreciate that you thought my Lincoln-Douglas debate script was good and that it was presented well.

  11. Lisa-
    Considering I didn't see you projects for most of the year until now, I cannot give my opinion, but just by seeing you debate, I can tell you have a great personality, quiet, but that is what makes it yours. I can tell by what other people comment, and by what you said, that you get things done and are a task manager. Being a scheduler is one of the best things you can be. You get your work done, and share your knowledge with others when they need it. Not only are you growing as your own person, but you are helping other people grow themselves.
